The Town of Navarino has completed the three-year multi-jurisdictional Shawano County comprehensive planning project. The Town, along with 23 other local governments participated in the Shawano County comprehensive planning project, funded in part by a 2005 State of Wisconsin Department of Administration Grant. The Town of Navarino has created a Town Comprehensive Plan containing the following nine elements: Issues and Opportunities, Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources, Land Use, Transportation, Utilities and Community Facilities, Housing and Neighborhood Development, Economic Development, Intergovernmental Cooperation, and Implementation.
In 2006, members from the Town of Navarino Plan Commission and Town Board met with other jurisdictions in the Eastern Comprehensive Planning Cluster to complete an analysis of the strengths and weakness of the community, craft a vision statement, and to create future goals and to brainstorm methods to accomplish the identified goals.
The majority of the comprehensive plan was completed in 2007. The first comprehensive planning event in 2007 was the Planning for Community Character Workshop. The Planning for Community Character Workshop was an opportunity for members of the general public to learn about available tools to aid in accomplishing the community's defined goals.
The second comprehensive plan meeting in 2007 was the Town of Navarino Land Use Workshop. Participants at the Workshop analyzed current land use within the Town and created a future land use map depicting ideal future land uses.
Numerous joint meetings were held between the Navarino town board and the Navarino Planning commission along with the members from the Shawano County Planning Department to finalize the town plan. The plan was adopted by the Navarino town board on July 8, 2008.
The Town of Navarino adopted a comprehensive plan under Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin Statutes by ordinance on July 8, 2008. The Wisconsin comprehensive planning law requires that comprehensive plans be updated no less than once every 10 years (Section 66.1001(2)(i) of the Wisconsin Statutes). The Town Planning Commission reviewed the comprehensive plan in 2017 and made the recommendations to update the Town of Navarino Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use, Existing Land Use and Zoning Maps. A public hearing was held on 9-12-17. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance was adopted by the town board on 9-12-17.