Navarino 4-H


According to the "50 Years of 4-H in Shawano County" compiled in 1937, Navarino was one of the first areas in the county to establish a club in 1924, probably through the school It is unclear whether this club continued without interruption, but a club known as Busy Workers with Mrs. Rades as leader was here in 1942. The club was renamed Navarino Go-Fors in 1945 and goes by that name today.

James Peterson was general leader in 1948, followed by Ray Christiansen in about 1953, assisted by his wife Joy. Meetings were often held at school, homes or at the club house at the ski jump. Sewing, cooking, dairy, forestry, gardening, swine, woodworking and conservation were some of the projects members were involved in. The club began collecting money for Cerebral Palsy during this time. It is a cause they still support

In 1965 Navarino Go-Fors cleaned up a spot for a wayside in front of Bethany Free Church on County Highway H (156). After burning and mowing grass, a picnic table and trash can were put in place. Families took turns mowing it.

In 1966 Rosetta Henn became general leader. A big event in 1968 was a visit by Miss Wisconsin to the clubs' June Dairy Month kick off. About 185 people attended the event held at the Navarino Grade School.

Mrs. Henn remembers some exciting times at the fair, when a fancy chicken escaped into the tall grass where Fairview Plaza is now. The chicken was finally captured but not before one of the boys had split his pants! By the time a new pair of pants was purchased on Main Street, the boy was in the showing with his pig, his pants held together with several pins!

Joy Christiansen became the general leader in 1974. The club became very active in Conservation, holding a Soils Field Day at Henrickson’s for several years. In 1980 members began a three year project to make a park between the town hall and the Shioc River. This involved getting permission from the town board, testing the soil, clearing the area, and getting county help to level the land. Then it was planned and a picnic table was put together to be used in the park. A grant from John Deere was applied for and earned, and the town board donated $50 to help finance the project. The sign and park remain today, with the addition of flowers and evergreens. We clean it up each spring, the township mows it, and we decorate the evergreens at Christmas.

Around 1985 Judy Henrickson and Monica Peelers shared the general leader duties. The club worked for several years building blue bird houses and put many up along a trail at Henrickson’s, as well as at members' homes. We had Verlyn Olson band birds several times.

About 1989 Navarino Go-Fors worked repainting 2 highway signs to welcome visitors to our county for Farm Progress Days. We had 3 members do demonstrations or model in the style show at Farm Progress Days.

Eleanor Borre was the general leader from 1990 thru 2003. Noreen Christianson and Brenda Krause shared the duties until the group was disbanded. We would like to thank the past leaders and members for their service to the community.