Town Hall Rules & Rental



Judy Krull (920) 525-2597 or Kevin Conradt (715) 758-8728 are in charge of booking the town hall and arrangements are to be made with them for rental of the hall.



  1. CLEAN THE BUILDING THOROUGHLY AFTER USE: this includes hall, kitchen and bathrooms ~ sweeping and mopping the floor. Please be sure to check the grounds for any trash.
    1. Satisfactory condition is determined to be the same condition the hall was in when the renter started to use the hall.
    2. If additional cleaning is found to be necessary after renting the hall, the person renting the hall will be billed for any cost.
    3. If there is any damage to the hall or its contents while being rented, the person renting the hall is responsible and will be billed for the actual cost of repairs.
  2. Remove all trash and refuse when leaving.  NO burning on the premises.
  3. Check all windows ~ be sure they are closed and locked.
  4. Return all chairs and tables to their proper places.  PLEASE DO NOT SIT ON THE TABLES.
  5. Heating months ~ turn the thermostat to 60 degrees when leaving the hall.
  6. No smoking is allowed in the town hall as it is a public building.
  7. The maximum capacity of the hall is 125 people.
  8. Check to see that all lights are turned off and the doors are locked.
  9. Please return the key as soon as finished with the cleaning.   Check all windows ~ be sure they are closed and locked.


TOWN’S RESPONSIBILITY:  The Town of Navarino is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing or other items brought to the town hall or transported to town hall property by any group or individual using the hall.


LIABILITY:  The Town of Navarino does not assume any liability on groups or individuals attending functions at the Town Hall.

The person(s) signing this form has permission to use the town hall and shall be held responsible for conforming to conditions set forth above.


I (we) have read and understand the rules and regulations for use of the Navarino Town Hall.




Telephone:_________________ Date__________ Rental Date____________